

发布时间: 2024-05-17 09:54:36北京青年报社官方账号



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As the first country in the world to use paper money, China is expected to also become the first to stop using paper money due to the soaring popularity of mobile payment platforms, China Daily reported citing analysts forecast on July 24.


As this year's Guest Country of Honor, the Philippines had a 400-square-meter national pavilion. With some Philippine enterprises unable to come to the site due to the pandemic, visitors could scan the QR codes in the pavilion to learn about projects and products, or step into the negotiating room and talk to people in the Philippines directly via video link.


As protesters in the United States began turning their initial outrage over the death of Floyd into demands for police reform and social justice, Democrats are proposing to overhaul legal protections for police and to fight systemic racism in the law enforcement.


As the headquarters of internet giant Alibaba, Hangzhou has implemented the Alibaba City Brain Project using AI algorithms to monitor and control traffic signals and street cameras.


As the Seattle-based retailer looks to increase the price of Amazon Prime by - from its current price point, the more the company can bolster the additional services included in its premium shipping service, the better. A recent survey showed that many users wouldn’t be willing to keep up their Prime subscriptions if the price goes up, though they might be more willing to keep paying if they felt they were getting better value for their dollar.


